WordPress Plugin Development

Easy one click comment disable on Post

₹ 71.68

Disable enable on Comment Help you to create dynamic disable enable for user website. Visit us: WordPress Plugin Development WordPress Plugin Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-clickable-comment/

Easy Polls

₹ 71.68

You can dynamic create Easy Polls inputs and it is configurable from admin side. Visit us: WordPress Website Design WordPress Plugin Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-polls/

Easy Social Bookmark

₹ 71.68

Easy social bookmark is pure JavaScript based sharing WordPress plugin that helps visitors to share a specific page or product with their contacts or followers. Visit us: WordPress Customizations WordPress Plugin Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-social-bookmark/

Magic Coupon And Deal

₹ 71.68

A WordPress plugin that magically convert your wordpress blog to coupon website and display Coupon Code and available deals in front end. WordPress Plugin Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/magic-coupon-and-deal/

Mail Newsletter

₹ 71.68

Mail Newsletter plugin has options to send HTML emails newsletters to subscribers. Plugin stores user information (email address) inputted by users while visiting the page or website. Visit us: WordPress Plugin Development WordPress Plugin Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/mail-newsletter/

Pivotal Feedback Form for WP

₹ 71.68

A WordPress plugin that allows users to submit feedback including bugs and features to Pivotal Tracker. Only user need to obtain API key and Project id from pivotal tracker and submit in admin. Visit us: WordPress Customizations WordPress Plugin Url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/feedback-pivotal/